Childcare Costs and Food Hygiene Rating
New two resources available on this platform: Childcare Costs – reflecting cost of childcare services in York for the different childcare providers available, and Food Hygiene, containing City of York Council’s ratings on Food Hygiene.
Data for Childcare Costs has been depersonalized and it contains information regarding ward, parish, postcode element, as well as lower and medium super output area geography associated with each individual childcare provider.
It is collected through survey conducted by the Family Information Services among the local childcare providers at the beginning of each school term.
As for Food Hygiene, these ratings given to businesses reflect the standards of food hygiene found on the date of inspection – it is not a guide to food quality.
Information is updated at least every 27 days and is held by the Food Standards Agency on behalf of the City of York Council participating in the national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme.
Data is georeferenced and can be previewed in a map. It can also be retrieved making use of the API in place. There is an APP available for downloading as well.
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